Pure Leadership Series: Will GenAI Break Your Data Infrastructure? An Industry Discussion

1300-1400 SG/HKT | 1030-1130 IST | 1600-1700 AEDT

Today, when we delve into the world of GenAI, our focus often centers around model training, data processing, and AI processors. Storage is frequently overlooked. In reality, where the data resides has become more important than ever, as it can significantly impact GenAI development, AI training speeds, and model effectiveness.

In our fourth installment of the Pure Leadership Series, we shine a spotlight on the vital link between GenAI and storage efficiency from an AI engineering perspective. We explore how advancements in storage technology, particularly flash storage, offer AI teams a better approach to power AI training and run AI models at scale. Additionally, we delve into the growing reliance of new GenAI paradigms on an efficient and sustainable storage layer.

We will discuss:

  • The connection between storage and GenAI from an AI engineering standpoint
  • How innovative storage advancements and sustainability features can keep a lid on soaring GenAI costs and optimize AI engineering workflows
  • Why it's crucial to initiate conversations between storage/infrastructure and GenAI teams now
  • The transformative impact of flash storage on driving GenAI forward and empowering AI engineering breakthroughs

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